Meet Michael Papageorge

Meet Michael Papageorge

The director of Helfin Financial Services (who doubles as a macaw breeder and beekeeper) believes one shouldn't take uncalculated risks – especially with other people’s money.

Who is your favourite client?

A client who understands risk and understands the fact that one’s biggest risk in life is never taking any risk.

What is your investment philosophy?

Time in the market, not timing the market. I firmly believe that the fundamentals drive the price, whether it be macro or stock-specific. That being said, you can be right but still lose money. So, don’t take uncalculated risks, especially with other people’s money.

What keeps you awake at night??

Launching Helfin Global Capital. Broadly, the industry has lost so many clients to emigration. Unless firms can become global businesses, they will struggle to hang on to the clients they have.

What are you most excited about?

Helfin Global Capital, South Africa’s newest and most punchy asset manager.

If you weren’t doing this, what would you be doing?

I am a Kruger National Park-qualified game ranger so I would dedicate my time in that direction. 

What would you like to have more time for?

Following the Springboks on tour (#StrongerTogether).

What are you reading?

I tend to read about four books at once, as I buy too many books and struggle to find the time to read them. At the moment, I am reading A Game Ranger Remembers by Bruce Bryden.

What are you listening to?

Usually my wife. But more seriously I can’t get enough of the All-In podcast with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg.

What are you watching?

I spend a lot of time on YouTube keeping up to date with the Ukraine-Russia war. It tends to take up most of my screen time. In my spare screen time, you will find me watching Netflix’s latest trending show, whether it be light-hearted or about one of the craziest serial killers out there. The human brain and psychology fascinate me.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I seem to shock people with the number of crazy hobbies I have. I’m a macaw parrot breeder and it has turned into a successful business venture, allowing me to pursue my passion for animals. I also do beekeeping (suit, swarms and all). I think my biggest talent is clay target-shooting which I used to do competitively at national level. I am also a serial studier, golfer, chess player and wine drinker. 

Article is provided by courtesy of Citywire South Africa – Tracy Benjamin

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