Helfin Financial Services


Helfin Compliance documents

Long Term Disclosure Documents

Details Helfin as a company, its advisers and who Helfin conducts business with as well as other information that Helfin is required by law to disclose to you

Short Term Disclosure Documents

Details Helfin as a company, its advisers and who Helfin conducts business with as well as other information that Helfin is required by law to disclose to you

Letter of Authority

Enables Helfin Risk to obtain information and act on behalf of the client. Activities include registering claim, endorsements and renewal negotiations.

Documents required according to service Needed

Links to documents below

Please select the service you require below. This will lead you to the documents which you need to complete, and which you will receive a copy of. One of our staff members will be in touch with you once your documents are processed.

Medical Aid

Letter of Authority
Disclosure Document
Medical Aid Needs Analysis and Medical History Declaration

International Investments

Letter of Authority
Disclosure Document
International Mandate
Risk Profiler

Local Investments

Letter of Authority
Disclosure Document
Local Mandate
Risk Profiler

Short Term Personal

Letter of Authority
Disclosure Document
New Business Application

CCM Mandates (Entities)

Entities client mandate – Investec corporate cash management call money fund

CCM Mandates (Individual)

Individual client mandate – Investec corporate cash management call money fund

CCM Mandates (Trust)

Trust client mandate – Investec corporate cash management call money fund

Privacy Policy and PAIA Manual

Privacy Policy
PAIA Manual Download
PAIA Request for Access to Records Download
Hands of contemporary professional over papers making medical notes on insurance document
PAIA Outcome of Request and Fees Payable Download

Service Level Commitments

Licenses and Certificates

CCM Mandates


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FSB License


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FICA The objectives of FICA South Africa has implemented a...

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FAIS The objectives of FAIS Protect the clients who use...

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The purpose of this SLC is to outline the services rendered by the Helfin Financial Services Group (HFS) and to enhance the delivery thereof...

Medical Aid

Helfin does not charge a fee to administrate medical aid memberships as a commission is already included in the member’s monthly contribution to the scheme...

Short Term Insurance

Your house or buildings, vehicle, personal and business items are all a vital part of your life. If anything happens to them you can have peace of mind, knowing that you are properly protected...

Financial Planning

Process and benefits of financial planning, benefits of planning and how the financial planning works...

Trusts & Wills

Estate planning is not only about the accrual and use of your assets during your lifetime...

Long Term Assurance

We undertake a business assurance needs analysis to identify specific needs. This could be in the form of sinking funds, key man assurance and partnership assurance...

Group Benefits

In today’s highly competitive business environment, employers depend extensively on the value and expertise brought into their organisations by their employees...

Tax & Accounting

When you retire and you are a member of a provident fund or provident preservation fund, your retirement interest is usually paid by way of a lump sum unless the...

Retirement Benefit

Congratulations on your retirement. We believe that your retirement should be enjoyed and that you should not stress about tax...

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